Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

I know you said you didn't want a novel, but there was a lot to cover so I did my best here. In this post I'll be letting you know everything that I understand about project three.


1.     Drawing on some of these things

·      General research interests: Law, I really hate Donald Trump
·      Majors: Law major means taking politics classes so I’m into politics
·      Other interests: basic fundamental human rights
·      Current issues: I have been super into this election because it’s do or die for me, plus it’s happening right now so it doesn’t get more present day.

2.     Preconceptions and biases

·     1.  I’m so liberal and both my parents are liberal and we all have pretty liberal values.

·      2. I’m tired of getting screwed as part of the middle class so like obviously I like Bernie but my love for Bernie and burning hellfire-fueled hate for Donald Trump are independent I promise.

·     3.  I was raised in Arizona which I basically hate all of the surrounding area because they’re mostly old white racists with skin cancer but the cool thing about Arizona is it has this little liberal pocket that I grew up in called Tucson. If Phoenix is your conservative dad, Tucson is your hippy uncle. It just so happens that both my dad and uncle are hippies, but it’s whatever.

·  4.     I am as agnostic as someone can get. I think religion drives people to do a lot of stupid things (@the catholic church LITERALLY EVERYWHERE okay maybe religion didn’t drive you to molest children but you still did) my parents took me to church a little when I was a kid but they soon realized it was kinda pointless and I was bound to grow up into a demon anyway so they let me do my thing. They’re the real MVP.

·      5. I feel like I have a lot of cultural power as a young white person in college, the only problem with that is I’m a woman. However, this means I have a little credibility as a demographic that gets screwed sometimes and we are damn tired of it. Who run the world? Girls.


1.     I know I want my audience to be Trump supporters, but I don’t know how specific I want to get. Stand by.
2.     They want Donald Trump for president which as far as I’m concerned means they’re mostly bigots and racists but I don’t know if they can see reason or not. I’ll try and reason with them but so far that hasn’t gone well for people who’ve tried (@Samantha Bee)
3.     They will probably be pissed because I’m making coherent points and won’t want to listen but this is the truth people
4.     I don’t think I really can relate to Trump supporters just because I’m so incredibly different from them in literally every way. I’ll just try to establish myself through sources and personal testaments to authority and maybe they’ll believe me then.
5.     I don’t know a lot of Trump supporters because to be honest I really don’t want to be friends with anyone who supports Trump…but I know a couple people that my mom begrudgingly lets stay a small part of her life. They cling to their views so desperately that I don’t know that anything I could say would change their mind. So, my goal will just to have them think a little about who Trump really is and maybe reevaluate their reasons for supporting him.


1.     As I said before, I don’t think my audience will change their stance. I want them to think about why they like Trump, especially after I do my best to debunk everything that people seem to think makes him great. I want people who support him to wake up a little. Maybe they’ll see that behind all the smoke and mirrors, he’s nothing but a sociopath with a chemical imbalance who will take care of himself before anyone else.

2.     I’d like to address the second bullet point mostly here, I want my audience to become aware of who trump is as a person. They think he’s… well I actually have no idea what they think. I couldn’t possibly bring myself to see what anyone sees in trump. But I’m hoping (probably a false hope) that they aren’t as stubborn as I am and can see the truth. Also, when I gather my sources, I’m going to do my best to gather as much information from as many people as I can so that no perspective is left untouched. Maybe I’ll even include a letter from a supporter so that I can debunk it… because honestly I absolutely can.


            It’s pretty straightforward. Trump and his sociopathy are part of the election going on right now. Like literally as we speak. Not only that, but the country is SO divided over it. Not only into democrats and republicans, but republicans themselves are divided over the awfulness that just is Trump. This country is pretty much a mess… so there’s your context.


1.     Standard college essay
2.     Audience expectations are probably long, introduction and conclusion plus supporting paragraphs.
3.     My history of working in this genre is my high school was super hard because I did the IB program which is really hard so I’ve been writing standard college essays since junior year. So I’ve kinda got this.
4.     I’m super comfortable writing not only about the topic but writing in the genre. I feel like I know the best way to go around it (don’t write the introduction first, duh) and generally that I know what I’m doing.
5.     Effective conventions: CITATIONS. It lets your reader know that you’re not just making junk up and someone agrees with you. Also, thesis. Your paper would be literally nowhere without a thesis. And I know you want specificity but that’s seriously it- papers get nowhere without a thesis.


1.     Yeah! The historical events are RIGHT NOW. This election is the historical event! People look back on this years from now and be like “What the hell was this”. Seriously. I also should include a little history on Trump, because he’s had way more failures than anyone would like to admit.
2.     LITERALLY EVERYONE is talking about this. Here’s four, but I could literally give you four hundred. Side note, I will probably end up using some if not all of these as some of my sources.  
John Oliver's Last Week Tonight
Rachel Maddow
President Obama
3.     My counter arguments are going to be taken from John Oliver’s source (above) and I will debunk them using him and other sources
·      Trump is a tough guy
·      He’s a great business man
·      He tells it like it is
·      He’s funding his own campaign
You can find people saying all of these things in the first source, but I’ll like it again here.

So there you go! That's everything I've got thus far, and it's about to get bigger. 

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