Friday, April 29, 2016

Production Schedule

I have most certainly screwed myself. Time to rise above- yay production schedule!

Film and write intro/conclusion

  • Place: My dorm 
  • Date: Tomorrow and Sunday
  • Resources: My computer and one consistent outfit
  • Date/ Changes made: Standby for that
Write script/blocking for middle (supporting) sections

  • My dorm
  • Monday and Tuesday
  • My computer and my feeble mind
  • Standby for date and changes
Record Audio for middle sections

  • My dorm
  • Wednesday, maybe dead day
  • My phone and my computer
  • Standby for date and changes
Film blocking for middle sections

  • My dorm
  • Dead day (thursday)
  • My phone, my computer, maybe my roommate/neighbor
  • Standby for date and changes
Do the soul sucking editing

  • My dorm, which I never leave any more 
  • Friday, Saturday and probably Sunday too because editing takes forever
  • My computer and my perseverance 
  • Standby for date and changes

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