Friday, April 22, 2016

Reflection on Revision

Now I'm going to sit quietly and think about what I've done.

1. Things that went right: So I had a good opportunity on Thursday where I talked to Sean and got specific suggestions for things I could correct which was good, I knew what I needed to do exactly and in most of the cases of corrections I made, they were easy tasks.

2. Some challenges were that to do this I had to appeal to voters who might be on the fence about voting for Trump to come off less aggressive, and all I heard when this was said is appeal to Trump supporters which made me cough up blood a little bit but I sucked it up. I think what I came up with is honest while still allows potential Trump supporters to see what I'm saying.

3. Since there is no next week for this project I think it's going to go GREAT because I'll be done with this paper! Yay!

4. I'm a little nervous in all honesty. Aggression is kindof my nature when it comes to political issues so it's a little hard to stifle myself, but I need that A so yeah. I'm also just worried about my personal story but Sean seemed to think I should include and adapt it. I just hope on a serious note that it all comes together to make the point I'm looking for and doesn't just read as aimless ramblings- I want this paper to be effective and to make people think.

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