Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Malik Bullock

One last peer review, I can do it... I'm fine I swear.

  • Malik Bullock- Project 3
  • I made a research and form suggestion for Malik, as I think emphasizing the counter argument earlier in the script would be beneficial. I also think he should look deeper into the number's he's given (for example tell us how much revenue these companies would lose).
  • I think I helped because while reading the script, I could feel myself being standoffish about it right from the beginning, which is why I think the counterargument should be emphasized in the beginning (and I made almost the exact same change to my paper, fun fact). I was also weary of him mentioning how much it would cost companies to raise the minimum wage because- other fun fact- people who want the minimum wage raised (which are probably the people reading this paper) don't care about how much a billionaire CEO is going to lose. I personally think it would be more effective if Malik said that these companies are losing money and this is bad for everyone because...
  • I incorporated the organization portion of student's guide because, like I said earlier, the counter argument is way more effective earlier on. Plus I changed that about my paper too, so you know I actually think it works. 
  • There are a lot of things I admired about this. First, you can tell where he stands right away. That's great. Second, I like his vision for what he's going to have on screen while he's talking. I think if this turns out that way it's going to be really effective. 

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