Thursday, April 7, 2016

Peer Review for Joshua Smith

Here I peer reviewed Joshua's blog post on all of his sources!

I gave him a suggestion on his research in the form of mentioning that not all of his sources had a super strong credibility/no skew, but also commenting that he has a great variety.

I think I helped because when you're coming up with a list of your own sources it's not always easy to see that you've included skew (because he did have a source from Fox News, but sometimes these are a helpful addition so I just mentioned it) but I think by showing him this and that there were a couple holes in credibility he can realize that he should either pick some more sources or clearly explain in his final product why they're relevant.

From Student's Guide, I looked at section 5: use of sources, to evaluate Joshua's sources and their authors and hosts. Thinking about that helped me decide what advice to offer as far as changes that should be made to the source list.

I really admired the amount of detail in his posts! I couldn't do all my sources in one post without wanting to blow my brains out, while some of his evaluations weren't as long as they could be. But he still did better than I did, so go Joshua.

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