Sunday, April 3, 2016

Research Report

Here I'll be doing an analysis of ten sources for my paper. Weeee.

Also, I know since I'm doing a paper that my sources should be primarily text based, but a lot of them are videos because this is a thing that's going on right now right now. Sorry bout it.

Open letter to Trump voters, as written by his top strategist (who just quit).

  • Formal Title: An Open Letter to Trump Voters from His Top Strategist-Turned-Defector
  • Author: Stephanie Cegielsk
  • Website: Occupy Democrats
  • Fact one: This girl worked for Donald Trump. She knows what she's talking about because she's been around him in person which is more than most voters can say.
  • Fact two: She's got a ton of political experience (or she wouldn't have been recruited). 
  • Audience: This thing is definitely directed at Trump supporters.
    • Citation one: The title
    • Citation two: "My support for Trump began probably like yours did. Similar to so many other Americans, I was tired of the rhetoric in Washington." (shows she's talking to people who support Trump)
  • The source is trying to make people realize that Trump is not what they think he is.
    • "No matter how many times he repeats it, Trump would not be the “best” at being a president, being in shape, fighting terrorism, selling steaks, and whatever other “best” claim he has made in the last 15 minutes."
    • "I consider myself a part of the silent majority that led to Trump’s rise, which is why I want you to know that I am with you — I wanted Trump to be real, too. He is not. He even says so himself. His misogyny? That’s the character. His presidential candidacy? That’s a character, too.The problem with characters is they are the stuff of soap operas and sitcoms and reality competitions — not political legacies."
  • Reliability: 1. "I signed on as the Communications Director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC." 2. "It wasn’t long before every day I awoke to a buzzing phone and a shaking head because Trump had said something politically incorrect the night before. I have been around politics long enough to know that the other side will pounce on any and every opportunity to smear a candidate."

  • Formal Title: Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Donald Trump
  • Author: John Oliver
  • Host: Youtube (originally aired on HBO)
  • Fact One: "He began to receive jobs with BBC, and by 2005, had become a regular guest on the network's comedic television program Mock the Week."
  • Fact Two: "Oliver had never even been to the United States when he received a call to audition for The Daily Show. He was selected to be the show's "senior British correspondent."
  • You can find those both (and more!) here
  • The source is directed at Trump voters, and I know that because he shows clips of Trump supporters making claims in the beginning of the shows which he proceeds to debunk. 
  • It's also probably directed at democrats who regularly watch his show, because it's pretty liberally skewed and democrats love that stuff. 
  • Contextual Details: John Oliver (and his team of course) do all their own investigative journalism, which is how he found out that 1. Trump's real name used to be Drumpf (lol) and that 2. He's being sued over several things (there are lots more details but I'll leave it at those for now). 
  • Formal Title: Harvard Psychologist Explains Trump Is ‘Dangerous’ Because He’s Literally a Narcissistic Psychopath"
  • Author: Marshall David
  • Host: Counter Current News
  • So here it's not as important that the author is any more credible than your average writer, but the people he interviews who are actually making the claim need to be credible. So: 
    • "Donald Trump is “remarkably narcissistic,” according developmental psychologist Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education". Confirmed here.
    • "'Textbook narcissistic personality disorder,' clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis explained." Confirmed here.
  • This article doesn't really have an intended audience. Maybe the scientific community. But it's not biased in any way, it just lays out all the characteristics that are part of being a narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, or just a liar in general, (sounds like an ex boyfriend of mine. I wish I were kidding) and shows exactly how (with evidence!) specific actions that Donald Trump has executed that line him up perfectly with all of the trademark characteristics of those things. 
  • The main purpose is listed above: To prove that Trump has some serious chemical imbalances in his brain that gave him these textbook disorders. Citations: 
    • "The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.'" Doesn't this just scream Trump? If you need a reference to the fragile self esteem part, just think of the "Tiny Fingers" debacle that John Oliver (second source) explained.
    • Trump’s shortage of empathy can be seen clearly by his stances on topics like immigration. Instead of recognizing that the data shows that most Mexican immigrants are not violent, but instead people simply looking for a place where actual opportunity exists, with a broad brush he claims that they are “criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.'" There are about a million other instances I could cite that show his lack of empathy, I really wouldn't even know where to start. Gotta save something for the paper I guess. 
  • Contextual details: 
    • Everyone interviewed is a real (and highly qualified I might add) doctor, professor, or in some other way very qualified to talk about mental illness (specifically narcissism) 
    • It's a well known fact that narcissists end up in positions of power (CEO's, Wall Street, presidential candidates)
Wow this is really turning into a novel. Again, there was a lot to cover... again, sorry bout it. 

I may have interpreted this title a little
  • Formal Title: The 199 most Donald Trump things Donald Trump Has Ever Said: Would You Vote For This Man?
  • Author: Michael Kruse
  • Host: Politico 
  • The author is reliable because (and since this is literally just a list of Trump quotes, I think this is the only reason I need) Every single quote is cited with the date and where you can find (if it hasn't been deleted because Trump likes to subtweet, get called out, and pretend it didn't happen). 
  • Author: 
    • Cites every quote
    • Is a senior staff writer so like everything he says here is true, hence 199 citations
  • Target audience: Probably people who don't like Trump. I say that only because those who do like Trump will dismiss this article because "anything looks stupid out of context" while failing to account for the fact that all of these things were stupid in-context as well. 
  • The source's main purpose here is to make Donald Trump look stupid, self-centered, and racist
    • Citations: All of these quote are stupid, self-centered, and/or racist
  • The thing is, the author here isn't the true author. He just found all these Trump quote and put them in one place. The real author here is Trump- and who better to talk about Trump than Trump, seeing as he does it constantly? (Spoiler alert- due to his inflated ego, LITERALLY ANYONE would be better to talk about Trump. But since the purpose of this paper is to prove that, this is fine for now.)
  • Formal Title: Donald Trump on Heidi Cruz
  • Author: CNN/Anderson Cooper/Donald Trump
  • Host: CNN/Youtube
  • There isn't really an author here. And it's reliable because it's video footage, no one can argue that this didn't happen because it's on tape.
  • Target audience: Anyone. This happened at a Trump town hall on CNN, which tends to stay in the middle. People could have been watching in support or, if you're like me, despondence. 
  • Source's main purpose: Depends on who you mean here. CNN's purpose was to host a Trump town hall with Anderson Cooper and truly let the cards fall where they may. Trump's purpose was to lie his way out of something AGAIN and pretend he's just a nice guy. 
  • The source is reliable again, because it's video footage and because it's CNN, a well known world news source. 
  • Formal Title: Donald Trump AD First Commercial TV AD Campaign 
  • Author: Trump and I would imagine his team]
  • Host: Youtube/ Aired on TV
  • See my goal is to debunk this source in particular and use it to build my authority of knowledge over Trump's so I want to prove that this source is NOT reliable. And here's how:
    • Usually when you do a campaign ad, the things you say in it are a general summation of your plans, ideas and philosophies. That's not at all the case with Trump. When the narrator says things like "Mexico WILL pay" and that Trump will "Cut the head off ISIS", those aren't summaries of his plans. Those ARE is plans. That is all he has. Those are direct quotes from debates, interviews, what have you. I'll go more in depth here in my actual essay. 
  • Target audience: Definitely Trump supporters, or undecided republicans. It touches on the issues that they care about and build up Trump as a person. 
  • Main message: Donald Trump is *becomes physically ill while typing this* the best person to be president of the United States.
  • The source isn't necessarily reliable but it's a good fit for the project because it came directly from Trump and his team and is ready for me to crap all over it. 

  • Formal title: Donald Trump's 'blood' comment about Megyn Kelly draws outrage
  • Author: Trump I suppose
  • Host: CNN 
  • I would also like to debunk this source and the denial that ensued shortly after people began accusing him of making reference to her menstruation. I'm using this source only as proof that once you insult, or wrong even in the slightest matter the Great and Almighty Trump, you become scum of the earth in his eyes. I guarantee before this debate, Trump had little to no opinion of Kelly, if he even knew who she was. But after, just count the insults. Not only the period comment. I'm using this source to show that Trump is so thin-skinned that this is what happens the second he thinks one person may not be 100% Team Trump- another symptom of a textbook narcissist.
  • Target audience: based on the host, I would say really anyone with interest in politics or the race. Like I've said before,  CNN tends to stay in the middle. 
  • Main purpose: To objectively show Trump and what he said, while simultaneously reporting on the fact that he's just pissed off a lot of people
  • Again, it's audio evidence. You really can't argue about whether or not it happened. Also again, CNN is a well known and reliable world news source.
  • Formal Title: Less Than Artful Choices: Narcissistic Personality Disorder According to Donald Trump (misleading, Trump doesn't actually get an opinion here. It just lines him up with the characteristics)
  • Author: Maria Konnikova
  • Host: Bigthink
  • I think it's reliable because big think is totally middle and the author may be a doctor as she is well-read in the DMS5
  • Target Audience: Those who already think Trump is a narcissist. It is chillingly difficult to find anything on his personality disorder without really trying. 
  • Main purpose: To prove that Trump has some serious disorders, as backed by the DSM5.
  • It's reliable because it takes definitions verbatim from the DSM5 and applies them to specific actions Trump has taken.

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