Thursday, April 14, 2016

Reflection on Global Revision

Here I'm going to talk about how I feel about editing. Spoiler alert I hate it.

1. Successes were that I already knew what I needed to do, so doing it was pretty easy (like adding proper citations) and I had some suggestions from Sean that were easy additions. Also, I think my length is pretty good so I'm not preoccupied with adding BS.

2. Challenges are that I still don't have an intro/conclusion, but I was comfortable calling this my rough cut because I have all the real meat of my paper and it's still like eight or nine pages. Also my tone still isn't all that it could be. Working on it.

3. Next week will go well because I know what I need to do. I'll get peer review and be able to put the finishing touches on my paper. I'm okay with not having an intro and conclusion to be peer reviewed because I'm pretty good at writing those anyway, they're not hard.

4. I'm feeling good. I'm a pretty argumentative person, so backing up an argument isn't new to me. Papers have been not super my forte in the past, but since this is an argument it's a little less like a literary analysis (which I'm terrible at) and a little more like yelling that I'm accustomed to.

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