Sunday, April 3, 2016

Content Outline

Here I'm going to make an attempt at an outline that includes everything I want to do. Totally subject to change so stand by.

  • Opening Section (Introduction)
    • Donald Trump is a narcissist, liar, sociopath, etc. (thesis to be improved/elaborated upon) and here's why (that part will be my paper so... yeah. You get it.
    • Could try to grab attention by saying something about the demise of this country or start with a ridiculous Trump quote and contradicting that with his polling numbers
  • Paragraph 1: He's not what people think and here's why:
    • Not a great businessman 
    • Thin skinned
    • Does not have a solid view on ANYTHING
    • Doesn't actually fund his own campaign 
    • Generally debunk things people think about Donald Trump
    • My source: My man John Oliver
  • Paragraph 2: Building on that, the cute thing about people with Antisocial Personality Disorder is that they are never what people think they are. 
    • List sociopathic tendencies
    • List psychopathic tendencies
    • List reasons I think he's a pathological liar
    • List narcissistic tendencies
    • Establish my credibility as someone whose deal with someone with this personality disorder and whose entire life was almost entirely demolished as a result so imagine what that same person with all the power could do to our country... but it's no big deal.
    • Maybe mention that Milania/Melania/Melanoma Trump said that he's a different person with her but that's literally a textbook quote from people in abusive relationships and that people with this disorder are notorious abusers... sources to come on that but it's a thing I swear.
    • My sources: These guys, these guys and this girl
  • Paragraph 3: Let's talk about insults, baby
    • List people he's insulted and WHY
    • Look at how highly he values those on his side
    • Let's just think about what would happen if these people turned on him
    • Interesting because that's definitely happened before let's find some sources on that
    • Analyze how quickly he changes sides and blame (anderson cooper town hall meeting)
    • My source: This incredibly extensive list
  • Conclusion (I will probably develop some more supporting paragraphs because I have so many feelings about Trump
    • Re-state some of the introduction
    • Sum up who he is and why we still want to vote for him.
I really wanted to include some more white space here but it would have messed up my bullets. 


  1. Hey Sarah-
    I am super intrigued with your paper and just wanted to add some suggestions for your work as it goes on!

    You obviously have a good amount of sources here and a lot of thoughts and passion and information. Obviously this is just an outline but I think something that would be helpful in organizing your outline would be to cut down on the evidence that you have and focus more clearly on just a couple of the sources, some may end up being better for your paper anyways but a cut-back may make the paper purpose clearer.

    I think your outline shows that your thesis could either be focused on Donald Trump's character as a presidential candidate, and why his policies and actions are a BAD IDEA for our country, or just a charcter based- analysis of him and why his actions show that he is not fit to be our president because of mental purposes? This is where I'm slightly confuse about your vision, although I agree that Trump should be criticized to all ends I wonder how effective a psychological analysis of him would be. I feel like if you were to go that route, as It's kind of risky in itself, your paper may have to be much more scientific or fact based and less use of pathos. However, I think with the sources you have a psychological analysis would be solid and a refreshing take on him as a person.

    Excited to see how this turns out and hope this helped!

  2. hey Sarah here's my review for your outline. Great job so far!
