Thursday, April 7, 2016

Production Report B

Here I've taken my second body paragraph in which my goal was to show Trump's sociopathic tendencies and made in into a living breathing four-page paragraph. Yaaaayyyy.

1. I had a lot of quotes, citations, etc. But I like the way I used numbers and bullets to correspond things to other related things (makes sense when you read it I promise). Even though it's not a blog post or QRG, I think it makes the paper more readable.

2. The production went well if not long and meticulous. The one concern I have is sharing about my experiences with a sociopath- I did it to establish ethos and pathos, but I'm afraid it's coming off as sort of a sob story which is definitely not my intention. I just want to say that I can recognize this behavior and draw parallels from real life sociopaths to Trump. Is this unprofessional or effective? Thoughts on that would be helpful af.

My Outline Goal

  • Paragraph 2: Building on that, the cute thing about people with Antisocial Personality Disorder is that they are never what people think they are. 
    • List sociopathic tendencies
    • List psychopathic tendencies
    • List reasons I think he's a pathological liar
    • List narcissistic tendencies
    • Establish my credibility as someone whose deal with someone with this personality disorder and whose entire life was almost entirely demolished as a result so imagine what that same person with all the power could do to our country... but it's no big deal.

What it actually became 

I think I did a solid job organizing this, but it's long as hell so instead of copy pasting it, have a nice link to a google doc. 

The formatting is a tad different because I copy pasted it from a word doc, but the weird stuff at the very end is just notes that I left myself for revision. 

1 comment:

  1. Here is my review:

    Good luck on the rest of the project!
