Friday, April 15, 2016

Peer Review for Rhiannon Bauer

I know you're not supposed to peer review people twice but I have things to do this weekend and Rhiannon is the only person who has a draft up in my section. Get it girl.

  • Rhiannon Bauer- The Big Fuss About The Bathroom
  • I made a content suggestion- as Rhiannon says that the issue holds a personal significance for her, I suggested that she incorporate that in her paper as I did and Sean encouraged me to keep and even make more personal. 
  • I think I helped because not everyone thinks to include their own experience because they don't consider doing it in a way that's tasteful, and it can be a really valuable addition of pathos. 
  • Student's Guide- my suggestion relates to evidence. Her personal experience could be very powerful here as far as real life evidence goes. I used mine and I think if she's comfortable with it, hers could be a great addition. 
  • I really liked the way she argued her point. I disagree with her but she did it in such a way that I could see where she was coming from and that the two sides could somehow find a happy middle, and if you know me at all you know that's not an easy thing to make me do.

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