Friday, April 29, 2016

Content Outline

So I kinda screwed myself in that I have to do a video essay. But that's how I live life- I screw myself and then rise above. So here's hoping that I can take the task of making an edited video during the last two weeks of the semester fun. I believe in myself a little.

Here goes, content outline. Nothing etched in stone.

  • Opening section: Tell audience what I'm gonna show them, this part will just be video of me talking.
  • 3 main body sections:
    • Time management and how I adapted to my schedule (show stressful Sundays)
      • Main Idea: Show myself slowly learning how to not procrastinate, maybe do short clips from say a typical week during project 1 and what I did every day and screwing it up until  I had to by hyper productive on Sunday, and then slowly getting better at it. 
      • Evidence: For example "when I was doing the project 1, this happened, and by project 3 I had learned to do this" 
      • What Evidence Proves: My writing process evolved over time!
      • What that's important: That's pretty much the goal of this class, so I made good use of it. 
    • learning different genres/new technology
      • Main idea: learning to do a podcast was confusing af and I probably did it wrong
      • Evidence: Used voice memo's and emailed them to myself because I'm 90 and don't know what's going on 
      • What evidence proves: Even though I'm 90 I still can put together a decent project because I got an 85
      • Why that's important: It shows that even if you don't really know what's going on that's okay because sometimes weird methods work out perfectly. 
    • Expanding my writing process instead of just jumping into a first draft (show my deteriorating physical and mental state as blog posts go by)
      • Main idea: showing my research/confusion at extent of research
      • Evidence: STAKEHOLDERS??? Focus on process for project 1
      • What evidence proves: at first I was confused but now I can edit and adapt my pre-production process which I really didn't have before, it was immediate rough draft go time
      • Why that's important: Now I have a way better writing process and a better end product as a result!
  • Conclusion: Just me talking. I'll say how the struggles helped my writing process, how I've been shaped as a writer, etc. 
  • Now I can extrapolate these skills to other classes and life situations and such

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