Thursday, February 11, 2016

Peer Review #2

In this exercise, I peer reviewed Marisa Kubacki and Kelly Reager. You can find my rubrics for Marisa and Kelly here and here, respectively. And in doing so, I learned some things.

Salemme, Isabelle. "Mapping your Process" 4/12/2015 via Pipefy.

1. I learned that QRGs have a specific format that I haven't necessarily been following as closely as I could have, and they contain certain information that I've been either under or over doing. More on that in number two. 

2. Here are my top three issues: 
  1. I need to have shorter, more attractive paragraphs
  2. I need to add screen caps of the celebrity tweets that contribute to my argument in a pretty important way
  3. I want to summarize the arguments of my stakeholders in a more concise and information dense way. 
I'm going to add and subtract accordingly and edit the hell out of my draft this weekend!

3. I do have strengths as well though. Here are my top three:
  1. I have a lot of stakeholders. This means that I have lots of points of view to consider and my QRG will be information dense. 
  2. Everyone in this particular scenario has a different opinion. This makes my situation unique and good for debating.
  3. It's a recent event. Everyone who will read this was alive and well and definitely remember dressgate, which makes it not only good for debating but easy to debate. 
Let's get to work. 

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