Friday, February 19, 2016

Local Revision: Tense Usage

In this post I'll be evaluating my tenses.

  1.  were  
  2.  needed
  3.  went
  4.  snapped
  5.  sent
  6.  said  
  7.  saw
  8.  disregarded
  9.  bought
  10.  spent
  11.  wore
  12.  attended 
  13.  posted 
  14.  posted
  15. turned
  16. born
  17. became
  18. took
  19. made
  20. left out
  21. saw 
  22. wanted
  23. said  
  24. said  
  25. taken
  26. profited
  27. took
  28. given
  29. based
  30. cared
  31. gone
  32. did
  33. did
  34. done
  35. looked
  36. saw
  37. fixed
  38. interviewed
  39. found
  40. were
  41. said  
  42. exposed
  43. studied
  44. seen
  45. changed
  1. asking
  2.  agree 
  3. gain
  4.  go
  5. agree 
  6. try
  7. figure out
  8. seeing 
  9. using
  10. find
  11. seems
  12. have
  13. sell
  14. miss out
  15. giving
  16. thank
  17. take
  18. secure
  19. do
  20. agree 
  21. have
  22. own
  23. considering
  24. see 
  25. explain
  26. see 
  27. have
  28. see 
  29. see 
  30. say
  31. looks
  32. correct
  33. see 
  34. is
  35. see 
  36. are
  37. argues
  38. discount
  39. are
  40. are
  41. used to 
  42. discounting 
  43. see 
  44. stay
  45. used to
  46. have
  47. discounting 
  48. see 
  49. exist 
  50. discounts
  51. interviews
  52. says 
  53. throw
  54. extract
  55. contains
  56. says 
  57. looking
  58. discount
  59. discount
  60. seeing
  61. have
  62. have
  63. see 
  64. be
  65. see 
  66. see 
  67. understand
  68. see 
  69. come

1. Present tense is most prevalent in my project. 

2. The effect that this has, I think, merely drives home the point that my controversy was very recent and, in some ways, still going on. I think this is good, because it means it's relevant.

3. I also have some past tense, which I think flows just fine as the events happened in the past but their effects still resonate right now.

4. Present tense- check!

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