Sunday, February 28, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

In this post I'll be examining the social media presence of one of my chosen authors from the American Journal of International Law. I've chosen Mark Weston Janis.

1. The name again is Mark Weston Janis, and I have found him on:

  • Facebook
  • Mentioned (in a professional context) on Twitter, but does not have a handle. 
2. Although most of the context he's found in is professional, it's a very small amount. He seems to be one of those people who only have a Facebook to show that they exist and are married (he only has three posts, one of his kids and another showing he is married to his wife). He has no twitter handle, but is talked about professionally and regarding books he's written.
While there's nothing wrong with this, it's a feeble presence. In this day and age to be popular, even in a professional setting, you need a presence online. Mark Weston Janis barely has one. 

3. Their personas are barely different (between internet and his articles) because the only context he is mentioned in online is that of what he's written. Besides the kids and wife, they are practically the same person. 

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