Sunday, January 31, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

AJC. "Reddit Alien". 11/16/2012 via flickr.  ShareAlike 2.0 Generic.
In this post I'll be discussing my findings on Reddit threads in the field of psychiatry.

1. On these threads, no one seems to be arguing but they are engaging in a meaningful discussion. There are lots of topics- one of the threads asks what is the most meaningful thing a patient has ever said to a psychiatrist or vice versa. There are some very deep entries on that thread that I find fascinating. On another thread, people discuss different psychological oddities within themselves and the process of becoming a psychiatrist. It's a very broad spectrum for anything within the field really.

2. The threads I mentioned above can be found here and here, although I found the latter to be the most profound. This is the thread where psychiatrists and patients listed the most insightful things they had been told. I love this because it's just who I am. I think the human mind is fascinating. I think there is so much we don't know. And I think the way humans behave speaks volumes about how our minds work, which differentiates from person to person. I just love learning and thinking about human behavior and even the disorders that come along with it. My only explanation for why I love this subject matter is that I just love it.

3. The reddit threads were deeper and more profound than I expected. Again, I came away from it wanting to know more and do more with the subject matter. I didn't think there would be discussion of specific people with mental and personality disorders that posters had come across in their lives, but there was and again, I found it fascinating.

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