Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

G., Alberto. "MPj04394190000[1]".  1/22/2006 via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic
In this post I'll be thinking about the genre I choose for project one.

1. I'm choosing to do a Quick Reference Guide, because I think this will be a good way for me to familiarize myself with the new genres in a way that isn't too unfamiliar or overly ambitious for a first project.

2. I would like to use lots of quick but detailed summaries of events with graphs and images from reputable sources. In this debate statistics are important, so I think including these things will be meaningful and helpful to the readers.

3. I'm a little concerned that with the nature of this topic it will be easy to veer away from my intended major of psychology and psychiatry, but it is very difficult to find a modern debate about mental health so I have to be extra careful to stay on topic. I'm anticipating a bigger time crunch because I've taken on more socially and academically this semester so I'll have to be careful to budget my time.

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