Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Projects

As far as course projects are concerned, I'm the most nervous about choosing the right formats for the rights projects in a way that works best for me personally. I'm a little intimidated by the specificity aspect, as I've been notoriously vague in the past even when I think I'm being specific, which is frustrating for me.
I'm the most excited to use the public argument format! Although I've been notoriously vague in the past, I also notoriously love to argue my point until my opponent caves. I've been told I would make a good lawyer because of this, so I think I will do well with this topic.
I would like to plan which projects I would like to do with which projects, to make sure that I don't end up with two that don't work well together. I would also like to have all my technical options laid out so that I don't have to scramble to download any software that I might need. This will challenge my time management skills because many of these formats require a process, and since I normally procrastinate this will be a turn of events for me to start the project before a few nights before the due date.
To be perfectly honest I haven't had that much preparation for something like this in my high school english classes because they were primarily analyzation of works, and very little projects or creative formatting, so this will be new to me!
Lastly, I would say that I don't have questions so much directed at the course as I do directed at myself. I need to tell myself how I will plan this out, which formats will be the easiest and hardest for me, and the like.

After reading other peers' posts, I feel much better knowing that I'm not the only one with little software editing experience and little experience coming in from high school. I feel much more comfortable knowing that I'm not the only one who doesn't entirely know what's going on as soon as I walk into the class. But the assignment sheets have been very helpful and we will learn and grow together! You can find my comments here and here.


  1. I completely understand your nervousness about matching the correct genre with the correct media. However, I feel like you cannot truly go wrong with any of the combinations, though definitely do what Bottai said about matching the format you are least comfortable with the final! As for becoming more specific, you can start off with writing the questions you are answering in the blog posts or at least titling the different paragraphs. But, we'll all improve during this course and you'll do great!

  2. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
